There are several ways you can support North Carolina’s 36 independent colleges and universities and the nearly 90,000 students who attend them.

You can support North Carolina students with a scholarship donation through the Independent College Fund of North Carolina (ICFNC) to help a student at one or more institutions.

Sponsorship gifts are used to help NCICU further its mission through administrative meetings, conferences, publications, and special events. Donors may support NCICU initiatives, including the NCICU Ethics Bowl, the iBELONG Mentoring Program, the Faculty-Student STEM Mentoring Program, and the Undergraduate Research Program here.

If you or someone you know has received a North Carolina Need-Based Scholarship (NCNBS), please take a moment to let your legislators know that this source of state funding is important to you. It’s easy with our automated form.


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Donation Total: $1.00

Support NCICU