December 1, 2020
Modality and Transcript Notations, Jasmine Brown, Methodist University, moderator
Coding courses based on modality
FERPA Updates
- Updates and changes to FERPA in light of the Pandemic
Jody Feder, Director of Accountability and Regulatory Affairs, NAICU - FERPA in the electronic age – Rebecca Fleishman, associate, Womble Bond Dickinson
FERPA and Coronavirus FAQs
FERPA and Virtual Learning During COVID-19
Reverse Transfer and Exceptions to Transfer Policies
- Casey Wallen, Southeast/Midwest regional director, and Rebecca Amos, product manager, National Student Clearinghouse|
National Student Clearinghouse presentation - Patrick Holyfield, M.Ed., dean of Enrollment Management, Stanly Community College
NCICU wishes to thank the planning committee members for their contributions to the meeting agenda:
Aaron Huntley, Assistant Registrar, Bennett College
Jasmin Brown, University Registrar, Methodist University
Maria Taylor, University Registrar, Wingate University